Sunday, June 15, 2008

YES! An Endless Summer Vacation

This is stidmama posting for stidgrandmere who is still recovering from nearly 30 years of teaching...

She is well, enjoying the prospect of a long summer unburdened with the need to consider next year's curriculum when she shops for souvenirs on her travels, unworried by the little nit-picky things every teacher faces at the end of the year. This year, as she cleans her classroom, she needn't keep anything for "just in case it comes in handy" in a year or two...

Here are a couple pics from Thursday:

The last calendar wall day... the kids had been so excited since the end of May to see the "days of school" strip gradually grow shorter!

Here she and I are with stidkid#1 at the buses, blowing bubbles as the kids leave for the summer...

Here she is with her husband, getting the food ready for her retirement picnic (held in the gym, in case of rain):

And here is the principal presenting stidgrandmere with flowers and a lovely garden plaque for her retirement present.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday June 1

Gray day and time to head out to the Farmers' Market. Today I have in mind a nice cup of coffee. Yesterday I also waltzed through the market. Practicing to be fancy free.

Later, I'll practice some of my Beethoven Sonatas that are so challenging.